Craigiebuckler and Seafield Community Council

Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of Tuesday 6th February 2024



William Sell (WS), Cameron Campbell (CC), Jane Ormerod (JO), Karen Reilly (KR), Keith Watson (KW).

Councillor Martin Greig (MG).



Councillor Ken McLeod (KM), Councillor John Cooke, Seargeant Ricky Burr (RB), Craig Melville (CM), Robert Frost (RF), Margaret Meikle (MM), Donna Blyth (DB).


Police Report.

Sergeant Ricky Burr was unable to attend.  His emailed report was forwarded by WS to all members prior to the meeting.  MG stated that he would follow-up on any police related matters in RG’s absence.


Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of 5th December 2023.

The minutes were adopted on a proposal by CC, seconded by WS.


Treasurer’s Report.

CC reported that there was no expenditure since the last meeting in December.  The bank balance stands at £963.88 with a £300.00 cheque still to cash for the Xmas lights which will leave a balance of £663.88.  This is well below the £1000.00 threshold stipulated by ACC for the end of January ‘24.  An account summary will be sent to Karen Finch later in the month. 


CC advised the meeting that CSCC should receive this year’s funding from ACC shortly which last year was £1000.00. 


CC requested everyone to think about donations that could be made to the community to support local projects e.g. Craigiebuckler Church, the local Scout Group and Friends of Johnston Gardens.  It was suggested that £80.00 could be donated to three organisations.

MG stated that Craigiebuckler Church was very grateful for the CSCC donations received last year.


Action: Nominations required for local community projects (All)




WS reported that all emailed items of correspondence had been forwarded to the membership.  A brief summary is included below;

·       Community Council Insurance – this was previously organised by ACC but going forward, Local Authorities are not allowed to be brokers for insurance, and it will be incumbent on each Community Council to arrange this directly with Zurich.  This change will come into force from the next policy renewal date on 1st April 2024 and Community Councils will be invoiced directly along with details on how to pay.  The insurance cost has previously been deducted from the CC’s grant, but this will now stop, and we will now receive the full grant.

Action: Once details become clearer, it was suggested that we look at setting up a Standing Order (CC)


·       Refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) and Locality Plans 2021-26

Community Planning Aberdeen is consulting on the draft refreshed LOIP which sets out a vision for Aberdeen as a place where all people can prosper regardless of a person’s background or circumstances, as well as the underpinning three Locality Plans for the North, South and Central areas of Aberdeen. The draft plans set out how ACC will make this vision a reality across the city and views have been requested on the refreshed plans.  Relevant links and details were forwarded to all members on 6th February 2024.


Matters arising from the Virtual Meeting of 5th December 2023

·       Setting up Instagram and X accounts to promote contact with more residents.

Action: CM reported that this would be completed on 6th December 2023.


·       James Hutton Notice Boards – MG confirmed that he had spoken with Alasdair Cox, Operations Director who confirmed that it should be okay for the CSCC to utilise these boards.  However, they are currently reviewing the use of the Notice Boards because of the new hub, and we should make an approach once this is complete.

Action: Approach the Hutton once they have completed their Notice Board Review (MG)


·       Nursery Boundary Fence (formerly the Cunningham Building) – MG confirmed that Planning Permission was not required for the new fence.  No further action required.


·       Footpath Survey results

Action: CM agreed to share these.


·       Malcolm Allan is obligated as part of the planning consent to do something for the community i.e. provide additional resources and features in the area to 'compensate' for the impact of their development at the Treetops site. This includes things like providing funds for local schools and the GP practice and environmental obligations.

Action: To be followed-up once the legal aspects have been concluded and planning permission granted (MG) 


Planning Officer’s Report.  

·       Treetops and Braeside Developments

MG advised that the ACC Planning Committee completed a visit to the former Braeside Primary School site because of concerns raised by residents on the increase in traffic associated with the Malcolm Allan development.


He went on to say that the Council is working to complete the sale of the Braeside site to the developer and once complete, planning permissions for both sites will be issued which will allow building to commence.  Malcolm Allan will then have three years - from the date of the decision notice - to start the construction work. Once started, the developer is unlimited in the timescale to complete the permitted building work.


Malcolm Allan have still to submit some further information about the Treetops and they are cooperating to ensure they can proceed with developing the site.


·       Hutton Link Road

It was noted that work had commenced on the Hutton Link Road and several old Yew and Pine Trees had been felled.

Matters for Discussion with Ward Councillors.

·       Speeding Traffic and Dangerous Driving on Springfield Road and Surrounding Streets

(Ref KW email to CSCC Members dated 19/12/23 and Police Representative & Ward Councillors dated 23/01/24).


After discussion, all present agreed that the situation and the number of recent incidents was unacceptable and giving serious concern. 

Actions (MG);

1.    Follow-up with the police and request a speed survey.

2.    Request the return of the Electronic Speed Signs.

3.    Request a survey by the ACC Roads Department of the areas;

§  around the BP garage where there are several junctions in proximity and a pedestrian island

§  the ‘straight’ from the BP garage to Springfield Avenue (where drivers ‘put their foot down’).  This area is particularly busy with pedestrians crossing Springfield Road between the Walker Dam and Johnston Garden footpaths.


·       Culter Bypass/Springfield Meadows

It was noted that the drainage is still poor in this area.  MG advised the meeting that there is currently no proposal to address this as it would be a major undertaking and the new path allowed people to use the area without walking on boggy areas.

No further action required.


·       Path Upgrades

MG advised the meeting that the planned upgrade and extension of the paths in the area was being progressed on a rolling basis and included; paths up to Hazlehead, around the golf course, Kildrummy Road, Johnston Gardens, behind Pinewood Road, Springfield Road to Kepplestone Care Home etc.


MG advised the meeting that the wooden bridge on the path from Springfield Road to Kepplestone Care Home was also scheduled for repairs.


Those present agreed that the path upgrade/extension project was a very good initiative and would greatly enhance the area.


·       Tree Planting

KW commented on the number of trees that had been felled in the area i.e. Hutton Link Road, Tree Tops, Hazledene Road, Hazlehead Park, the large Cypresses opposite Craigiebuckler Church etc.  He asked if the Council had a policy of replanting. 


MG advised that those trees felled very recently along Hazledene Road would be replanted with a variety that would reach screening height in 3-5 years. 


He went on to say that the Council were committed to planting a million trees in 10 years and there are areas that would benefit from planting in our area e.g. behind Springfield Avenue.









·       WS highlighted the importance of maintaining or increasing Community Councillor numbers so that it remains above the threshold for viability.  He requested all members to be on the lookout and encourage others to join.

Action: Promote CSCC membership (All)


·       Martin Greig was thanked for his proactive involvement with the Community Council.  He regularly attends meetings and is always quick to follow-up and take prompt action in support of the community and it is greatly appreciated by all.


·       There being no further business, WS thanked all present for their attendance and declared the meeting closed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Date of Next Meeting.                                                                                          

·       5th March 2024 – commencing online at 7.00 pm.