Craigiebuckler and Seafield Community Council

   Agenda for the Virtual Meeting of Tuesday 2nd April 2024


Police Report.

Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of 5th March 2024.

Treasurer’s Report.


Matters arising from the Virtual Meeting of 5th March 2024. Development of the Treetops Site.

Speeding Traffic on Springfield Road – Follow-up with the Police. The following questions

Planning Officer’s Report.

Matters for Discussion with Ward Councillors.

Following the Fatal RTC on Seafield Road on 6th March involving a 68-year-old man, can we be informed of the outcome of Police enquiries when they are available and is any action proposed by the Police/Council as a result?


Date of Next Meeting.                                                                                                               Tuesday, 7th May 2024 – commencing online at 7.00 pm.